Insanity begins with the story of Forest, a foster kid who just took a job at Lincoln Psychiatric Hospital. While on duty one night she witnesses something otherworldly, as one recently deceased patient is trailed by something that can only be described as the devil's errand boy. During her encounter Forest loses time and her true identity is slowly revealed. As the book continues on we are introduced to two other characters whose fate become entwined with Forest and the other world.
I felt like every time I was beginning to get into this book the author moved on to the story and perspective of another character. Granted, each of the three are intertwined with one another, but because it jumped from perspective to perspective, I ended up not really caring about any of them. I've read other books with alternating perspectives and I was good with it, but something about the way this was written just didn't do it for me.
Bottom line: it's your average, run-of-the-mill, supernatural thriller.
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