Cyn has a major thing for Ryan, but her best friend Annie has a HUGE thing for the new librarian Mr. Gabriel. Cyn's problems with this are many. First, he's like 30 and second, Cyn's pretty sure that he's a demon. As Annie falls deeper in love with Mr. Gabriel, Cyn sees him for what he is. He is slowly sucking the life out of everyone at their high school. With all of this going on Cyn is still focused on being the best Tech Manager she can be for the school's upcoming production of Sweeney Todd. After a little while, Mr. Gabriel can no longer be ignored. People are dying! Worst of all, Annie is completely under his spell.
Honestly, I picked up this book because of the title, I mean, I am a librarian after all. I'm so happy I did. The characters are well developed. We have a strong female heroine, and while she is a tad bit boy crazy (for Ryan only), she never loses sight of her missions - putting on the best school play in history and saving her best friend from a demon's clutches. This book was really fun. Lots of twists and turns, and quite a few laugh out loud moments. Michelle Knudsen has quite a few children's books under her belt, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see some really good YA from her in the future.